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Gardeners Blog

Japanese gardens are serene and simple places of calm, providing a peaceful retreat for reflection and meditation. They avoid the extravagance of many Western garden designs, and consist mostly of evergreens, rocks, pebbles, sand, ponds and waterfalls. A Japanese garden consists of six key elements, and two distinct different types: those designed for walking, and those intended to be viewed from a building or veranda.

Herbaceous border Part II

Date Posted: 31 July 2018
A new herbaceous border...the story continues.
Every serious gardener needs to know about Japanese garden tools. They are long lasting, practical and used for many precise gardening tasks. Whilst there are many Japanese gardening tools to consider for your toolbox, a hori hori knife offers plenty of multi-purpose benefits - and for those unsure about its various uses and benefits, here’s everything you need to know.

A new herbaceous Border

Date Posted: 23 March 2018
Putting in a new herbaceous border after 35 years!

Jobs in the Garden!

Date Posted: 09 February 2018
There are so may jobs to be getting on with in the garden – yes even in cold February!

Beautiful things in the middle of winter

Date Posted: 12 January 2018
Its January and the weather is foul. I have not been able to get out so everything has been confined to the greenhouse where, to be fair, there is always something to be done. Two days ago the weather cleared for the morning and I did a walk around the garden. Many things are looking very sad as a result of the bashing the weather has given them, However some beauties are raring to go in early January. Daphne bollua for example has already sprung into life and with just a little sunshine the superb perfume from this amazing shrub will be realised...

The value of re-potting things!

Date Posted: 02 January 2018
This blog examines the value of re-potting plants...

Aren’t the deer sweet

Date Posted: 20 December 2017
We all love deer don’t we? Those charming pretty faces and beautiful spotted bodies appear to be lovely scared animals who wouldn’t hurt a fly – but that is not our experience...

Now is the time to get the bulbs planted

Date Posted: 01 December 2017
What a delightful thought. All that colour appearing in the spring (and autumn if you plant nerine bowdensii) nodding and swaying in the breeze
To take cuttings or leave them in the ground?
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